Jean-Baptiste Bolh
Designer, Developer, Marketer
Based in the United States. Passionate about creating innovative solutions and driving results.
AI Language Tutor

An innovative AI-powered language learning app where users start with simple conversations and then reinforce the words and phrases they've learned.
Learn MoreQuickFind
Nearby Search App

A powerful search application for quick information retrieval. Search different categories and get the latest information about places around you.
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Discover Coliving

Learn about coliving experiences and communities.
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Explore social topics and insights.
Visit Further SocialFreelance Projects
Brandhub & RTA
Web App, React.js, Javascript, HTML/CSS

Developed two B2B applications for Select Design's clients to order and manage marketing displays and nationwide ad campaigns.
Financial Tools for Hedge Fund
Python, Tradestation, Trading View

Created Python application for parsing Fidelity trading logs, developed indicators for trading platforms, and performed data analysis on stock market data.
Beacon Detection iPhone App
Swift, iOS, React.js

Developed an iOS bluetooth beacon detection app and integrated data with a React app for internal company use.
Work History
Freelance Software Engineer
Mar 2022 - Present
Software Developer - Small Satellites at the Aerospace Corporation
Mar 2020 - Mar 2022
- Developed ground support systems for satellite communication
- Web application development with React.js, Django, Centos7 (Linux), Nginx
- Data Parsing with python, MATLAB, pandas, matplotlib
- Interfaced C++ to Python code
- Containerized applications with Docker
- Developed Mission Planning software with MATLAB
Undergraduate Research Assistant - Twitch Plays Robotics
May 2019 - Feb 2020
- Assisted Professor Josh Bongard in the ongoing development of Twitch Plays Robotics
- Developed and implemented new experimental designs with Python
- Analyzed data to drive new experimental direction using numpy, pandas, matplotlib
- Doubled crowd-sourced experiment participation by more than 2-fold
- Worked with pyrosim, a python interface for ODE, to design robots and implement neural networks
- Version control using Github
Software Engineering Intern
Jul 2018 - Sept 2018
- Developed search interface for
- Created a university search application using Django and React
- Found and wrote scripts to clean public database containing university information
- Merged search application with existing web pages
- Deployed site to Heroku
University of Vermont
2015 - 2019
BS Computer Science